The Quickselect Algorithm

The last three months have been really hasty but I’m fortunate enough to make past the first three months at Alibaba Cloud. Before the lunar year 2018 concludes I would like to discuss a bit about a powerful algorithm recently used in my work - the Quickselect algorithm.

Randomization at its best

Given an unsorted, numeric array, Quickselect finds the k-th largest or smallest element in the array. This algorithm has an average time complexity at O(n) to find, let’s say, the median of an array. Using an exhaustive approach, it takes at least O(nlogn). Quickselect is, however, a randomized approach and the most efficient median-finder available. The worst case time complexity is O(n^2) though.


Following are the steps of Quickselect to find the k-th largest or smallest element:

  • (Randomly) choose an element from the array as pivot.
  • Partition the array into 2 parts: left subarray contains elements smaller than or equal to the pivot; right subarray contains elements larger than the pivot.
  • Form a new array: [left subarray + pivot + right subarray]
  • Compare k with len(left subarray):
    • k == len + 1: pivot is the target.
    • k <= len: repeat step 1-3 on left subarray
    • k > len + 1: repeat step 1-3 on right subarray with k = k - len.

Sample code

import random

def quickselect(a, k):
  :param a: unsorted array
  :param k: k-th element to find
  (left, pivot, right) = partition(a)
  if len(left) == k - 1:
    result = pivot
  elif len(left) >= k:
    result = quickselect(left, k)
    result = quickselect(right, k - 1 -len(left))
  return result

def partition(a):
  :param a: array or subarray to partition
  s = len(a)
  # base cases
  if s==1:
    return([], a[0], [])
  if s==2:
    if a[0] < a[1]:
      return([], a[0], a[1])
      return([], a[1], a[0])
  # choose pivot
  p = random.randint(0, len(a) - 1)
  pivot = a[p]
  left = []
  right = []
  for i in range(len(a)):
    if not i == p:
      if a[i] > pivot:
  return (left, pivot, right)


As mentioned above, the performance of quicksort is good in average but sensitive to the chosen pivot. the worst case time complexity of Quickselect is O(n^2). It leaves room for caveat in a robust system. However, with some techniques, the worst case time complexity can be improved to O(n). Refer to median of medians, Introselect for more information.
