2020 Midterm Summary

(Almost) 6 months have passed in 2020 and I want to review all the plans and resolutions proposed at the start of 2020.

  1. Get promoted

    Nominated. Finished the oral defense. Waiting for the result. 9/10

  2. Set up connections with fellow ML scientists, maybe via String project

    Not too much progress on this due to the coronavirus outbreak. Maybe in the second half of the year. 2/10

  3. Average sleep time before 0:15 am

    Not yet. No. 0/10

  4. Average sleep length = 8h

    Same. No. 0/10

  5. The only new game I should commit to is Cyberpunk 2077

    Get started with Arknights. 0/10

  6. Average gaming time < 7h per week

    Significantly lower than last year, but not enough. Currently 10h per week or something. 5/10

  7. Make substantial progress on life decisions with GF

    Already dined with parents. 9/10

  8. Achieve beginner level with ukelele

    Not yet. 0/10

  9. Achieve beginner level with Ableton and Launchpad

    Coming soon (TM). 1/10

  10. Read and write reviews for >= 6 books

    1/6 Done. The chance to pass the threshold is slim.

  11. Set up a personal news feed of reliable and intuitive resources

    Not yet but has cut unreliable feeds significantly. 4/10

  12. Reduce random browsing Hupu and Weibo. Reduce intake of unsystematic information

    As indicated above, the progress is great so far. 8/10

There are some other checklists that I wanted to add for the rest of 2020:

  • Self enhancement with >= 2h per week of literature reading about anomaly detection and ML pipeline system work
  • Resume regular sports after moving to EFC lifestyle