What's my Most Used Commands?

Yesterday I was curious about how often I use certain Linux commands - i.e. ls, grep and git - and I knew all the previous commands have been stored in the history file. However, I don’t feel like going through the file and do the statistics all by myself.

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Groovy Method Pointer

My recent work involves a lot of scripting and SWEng with Groovy. Groovy lives under the solemn structure of Java while providing syntactic sugars for those lazy coders. For a python guy like me, Groovy is full of goodness so far.

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Python Decorators

I was looking into the kdtree repository this week and came up with the require_axis decorator function. I have used some of the built-in decorators in python, but function decorators seem pretty powerful at the first glance so I decided to dig it a bit.

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Python Regex Notebook

Regex has been useful in my work but it seems I can’t always figure things out on site without extensively going through the likes of StackOverflow. Recently I could pick up some time to read the official guide for python regex and it’s proved to be helpful.

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DS Digest - Episode 2

I have been working on Outlier Detection(OD) for 4 months now and what amazed me the most is that a complete and scalable OD package dedicated for python is lacking. Fortunately, pyOD has just been released to fill the gap. Over 20 OD algorithms which could benefit my work and research in AIOps have been meticulously implemented in the best python OD package ever coded.

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